Tourist Office of the Meuse Valley

4 parcours de trail du débutant au confirmé disponibles

à Sommedieue !

Tourist Office of the Meuse Valley


Parcourez la route
stratégique historique

qui relie
Verdun à Bar le Duc

Tourist Office of the Meuse Valley

100% NATURE 

Découvrez nos 43 circuits

de randonnée pédestre !

Tourist Office of the Meuse Valley


Pêchez dans un

environnement préservé !

Tourist Office of the Meuse Valley


A quelques pas

des champs de bataille

combinez détente et mémoire ...

Follow in the footsteps of Ceux de 14

Follow in the footsteps of Ceux de 14

On this historical itinerary, you’ll learn about Maurice Genevoix’s most important work: Ceux de 14 (Those of 14). He was only 24 when he boarded a train at Châlons-sur-Marne station with his section on 25 August 1914. His account, taken from the diaries he updated frequently, is vivid, precise and powerful. He unflinchingly describes the life of the soldiers on the front, the hardships they encountered and the horrors of war. After being seriously injured and discharged in April 1915, he survived and produced this testimony. This trail lets visitors follow in the footsteps of Maurice Genevoix and his comrades in the 106th Infantry Regiment, to whom he dedicated this novel, through the villages and landscapes of Meuse.

To complete this trail, tourist information signs have been put up to mark the 23 stages of the story.

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